Commission report shows EU apiculture measures help maintain high quality honey production

Existing EU measures for the apiculture sector have helped EU producers to maintain production of high quality honey in the EU, despite a difficult context with rising production costs, threats to bee survival and fierce international competition by honey imports from third countries, according to a Commission report published today.

Analysing the implementation of measures between 2010 and 2012, the report confirms that the sector received a total of € 90.3 million in direct support from the European Union (EU) through national apiculture programmes over that period.

It also indicates that, of the six specific measures which could be co- funded under the scheme, measures to control varroasis (a parasite weakening bees' immune system) and technical assistance to beekeepers are the most widely supported, followed by the rationalisation of transhumance, the restocking of hives, applied research and analysis of honey.

Based on these report, the Commission is not intending to amend the list of available measures, but is likely to make the measures available all the year round, to further improve coordination between EU and national research programmes, and to underline potential synergies with Rural Development measures (such as through measures for modernisation, young farmers or increasing melliferous plants through agri-environment schemes.

>> Read the report

>> More on the national apiculture programmes