Promoting Food Innovation for Wellness in the Adriatic

WELLFOOD aims at strengthening innovation capacity of Adriatic Regions on agri-food sector, by stimulating the link between business, RTD-inn. Centers, producers-consumers as a pillar for territorial growth, development and integration of the Adriatic Ionion area. Nowadays policy level is searching for holistic social innovation of communities, health and wellness implying the adoption of new governance strategies to favor health and wellbeing facing social transformation. WELLFOOD places the accent on cross-border dimension promoting coordination action among stakeholders (regional bodies, RTD Centers, SMEs and Food Associations) to overcome the obstacles in the field of innovation promotion, encouraging partnership and innovation services by programming clustering policies of Innovation for Food Quality and Safety overcoming main critical factors related to development of food sector in Adriatic regions.


WELLFOOD places the accent on cross-border dimension, finding a suitable matching among needs in terms of fostering innovation and transferring knowledge in the sector. WELLFOOD works on the following spec. obj.:

   - Enhancement of knowledge transfer within the Adriatic regions on food quality and safety, and healthy lifestyles, through establishment of closer relationships between research and users (enterprise - consumers) thanks to the setting of the Cross Border Network - Adriatic Research Driven Cluster of Innovation for Food Quality and Safety (RESEARCH – ENTERPRISE – CONSUMER - GOVERNANCE) – named ADRIFOOD - Cluster which will deal with knowledge transfer promotion, aimed at supporting a cultural movement towards new systems, products and processes within a sust. Devel. frame, thanks to science-technology-business meetings
    -Improvement of innovation capacity of Final Beneficiariess involved, thanks to an integrated group of strategic actions, addressed to: Spreading knowledge on the last technologies and most advanced inn. food products and processes by the organiz. of Adriatic seminars cycles on inn. for food quality standards, inn. products, eco-processes, food inn. for diseases prevention; Mobility schemes of researchers/company technicians, aiming at exchanging knowledge among FBs areas; Qualify skills and compet. of experts dealing with food inn. within RTD Centers, enterprises, public org. FIA-Food Innovation Agents; Experiment-Piloting spec. Technology Food Foresight schemes developed by FIA.
   - Promotion of consumer’s  awareness on the most promising findings of research and inn. for a healthier/safer food, to support Adriatic consumers to make sustainable choices on nutrition: WELLFOOD facilitates interdisciplinary exch. among world scientific nutritional experts, public health professionals, consumers and food prep. professionals through excellence experience study visits, small events-trail tastings of inn. creative food foresights to valorize strengths and excellences of FBs territories; promotion of innovative foods and wellbeing itineraries in the tech pj.

interested parties may contact:

Email: [email protected]

skype: petropoulos9600

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