The Entomology 2020 Virtual Meeting is now live. Login now to start enjoying this two week virtual journey as we learn, connect, and advance the study of insect science through shared research and collaboration.
(Google Chrome is the preferred browser for the meeting)
First time logging in? Here is a helpful guide on how to access Entomology 2020 and favorite sessions to create your custom schedule.
Hint: you'll need your ESA username and password!
If you have any trouble logging in, click the Forgot Password link to first try resetting your password.
All of our on-demand content is available! View the full schedule and start planning your meeting experience.
Livestreams will take place Nov. 16-19, with on-demand content available Nov. 11-25.
Meet other entomologists and reconnect with old friends by attending video chats.
Connect with other attendees on social media! Don't forget to use the official hashtag, #EntSoc20, and to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates and highlights. New this year:
- #EntoFold: attend Folding Butterflies: An Origami Demonstration and share your origami
- #EntoColor: download pages from the color book and share your artwork
- #EntoMask: share a photo of your insect-themed facemask
- #EntoFashion: share a photo of your clothing/accessories with insects
- #EntoArt: share a photo of your insect-themed piece of art in your home/office
- #EntoSelfies: snap a selfie at your desk attending virtually