OSDE 2023: Correction system closed 25 days before the settlement of subsidies

No update from the competent authorities - Farmers in the red with OPEKEPE

And while there is less than a month left for the 2023 subsidies, the country's farming community does not know what to expect for the payment. In the advance payment of 70% of the payments, one of the biggest problems was the non-payment of money for the ecological schemes.

Ministry of Rural Development and Food and OPEKEPE have assured that the platform will be opened for the submission of corrective applications by beneficiaries.

But to date, this has not happened, the platform remains closed, creating additional stress for farmers, who at the end of October had their payments "clipped" by an average of 25%.

As farmers tell Agrocapital, "the Ministry of Agriculture and OPECEP are kicking the bear. It is better that the bear does not wake up from hibernation because then those in charge will not want to know what will happen. Stop the OPECEPA from seeing farmers as crooks. The subsidy money was brought in by the farmers according to their crops, not by those who sit in chairs and administer it."

And all this is happening while an audit of OPEKEPE by European auditing bodies is coming next Monday on the issue of the operation of the Agency.