Reuters reported that the Ukraine government are to meet with domestic trading houses on Jan 13 to discuss wheat exports, with some sort of limitation on the agenda
Various reports appear to confirm that exporters are having extreme difficulty getting export certificates in a timely manner. It's being suggested that Turkey, Egypt, Armenia and India
Russia, one of the world's largest wheat exporters, is exporting grains at a record pace this year after the second largest crop in its post-Soviet history of 104 million tonnes.
EU grains finished the day mostly higher. Although London wheat officially closed lower on the thinly traded Jan 15 and Mar 15 (only 5 lots of each traded today), the more active May 15 ended a pound higher.
Leonardo Capitanio, ANVE vice president and well-known Apulian entrepreneur, has spelled out the emergency in which the Xylella bacterium has damaged olive trees.