EU institutions provisionally agreed requirements for water reuse in farming Tuesday, setting out minimum water quality requirements for the safe reuse of treated urban wastewaters in agricultural irrigation.
Further reducing use of pesticides, more funds for research and better monitoring are urgently needed to save the EU's bees, according to the European Parliament's Environment Committee Tuesday.
The European Union brought a dispute in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Friday against Indonesian export restrictions for raw materials used in the production of stainless steel.
EU efforts to fight illegal fishing worldwide continue as Brussels notified Ecuador Wednesday that it must step up its actions (yellow card) in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.
Ahead of a 16-17 December Fisheries Council meeting, the European Commission on Thursday adopted its proposal for fishing opportunities in 2020 for 72 stocks in the Atlantic and the North Sea
The European Parliament sent an EU regulation to protect bees from harmful pesticides back to the drawing board Wednesday, when MEPs blocked a move by EU Member States to water down the legislation.
The European Food Safety Authority, the EU's food agency, opened a public consultation Tuesday on its pilot assessments of the risks posed to humans by residues of multiple pesticides in food.
With the start of a new school year, the EU school fruit, vegetables and milk scheme, aimed at promoting healthy eating to schoolchildren, is to resume in participating EU countries for 2019-2020.
EU Member States agreed Wednesday to a series of support measures to ease financial difficulties faced by farmers due to adverse weather conditions, and increase the availability of feed for animals.
Mexican producers have reached a deal with the US to halt an anti-dumping investigation that had led to the imposition of 17.5 per cent duties on tomatoes.