Many challenges in collecting correct amounts of VAT and customs duties on e-commerce remain to be resolved, according to a report from the European Court of Auditors published on Tuesday.
Uganda is a nation that has made considerable progress in lifting its people out of poverty. A study conducted by the World Bank has found that from 2006 to 2013.
New rules to ensure more effective resolution of tax disputes between EU Member States came into force Monday, offering more tax certainty for businesses and individuals experiencing double taxation issues.
EU Member States agreed Thursday to make EUR 50 million available to support Irish beef farmers, which can be matched by national funds to reach a maximum of EUR 100 million.
The European Commission announced Monday it is to provide EUR 120 million to the EU's beekeeping sector over the next three years, in order to support its essential role in agriculture and the environment.
EU ministers gave final approval Tuesday to new laws to tackle marine litter coming from single-use plastic products found on European beaches, as well as abandoned fishing gear and oxo-degradable plastics.
You want to ensure your tax dollars are used properly. So does FNS. That is why we are continually working to improve federal administration and oversight of our programs.
The EU Commission and European Investment Bank launched a EUR 1 bn loans package Monday targeting specifically young farmers. Nearly a third of young farmers' loan applications were rejected in 2017.